I did have a bit of excitement two weeks ago for Caleb and April's wedding. I flew back to WA on Thursday, June 19th. Nearly all day Friday was spent helping to prepare the church for the wedding.
The ladies did most of the flowers and decorations....us guys did "manly" work; setting up chairs and tables, putting together the dance floor, etc. It was so much fun hanging out with my bros and having fun while we worked. We had a preliminary rehearsal that evening, after which we all went out to dinner. It was a great time enjoying one another's company. Love truly was in the air. I was so happy for Caleb and April, as was everyone else....it was just a very blessed time.
The next day was the actual wedding. I started getting nervous pretty early into it....not so much for me, but for Caleb and April. They're both very close friends, and I could tell Caleb was starting to get a bit jittery. As the time approached, he got more than jittery! I put my arm around him and told him not to worry...but I knew I'd be in the exact same position in his shoes.
And then it was time. We prayed and headed out to start ushering. From then on, it was pretty rapid-pace. Seating...the processional....the vows. Caleb had coordinated with us before the ceremony and told us to do a Napoleon Dynamite style "Yessss" and fist pump when April said "I do." It highly amused the audience when we did it synchronously as planned. April started crying midway through her vow and Caleb was tearing up the whole time too. It was a very sweet wedding. =)

Afterwards, off to pictures and the reception. It was a very fun, enjoyable time (including dancing), capped off of course by the bride and groom's departure in the limo. Instead of throwing rice, we threw lavender.
It was a very nice, sweet, love-filled wedding. So much so, in fact, that it was very difficult for me. It was so very close to what I want my wedding to look like, it was almost painful because it made getting married so much more real. And yet it's still so far away. I went up on stage after everyone left and stood where Caleb was standing and looked down the aisle. Next time I'm on stage, I thought, I'll be standing right here. It was an exciting, terrifying, depressing, and anticipatory feeling all at once. Exciting and anticipatory for obvious reasons....depressing because it's so far out...and a bit terrified because of the seriousness of the thought. However, as I told Caleb, as long as you love the person you're marrying (and are committed to them), you have nothing to worry about. =)
The flight home was a bit of an adventure. I flew Continental Airlines (who is on my bad list after this experience) and got waylaid in Newark, NJ. After several subsequent delays, my flight was ultimately cancelled and I got to spend the night in the airport. That was so uncomfortable, let me tell you. I spent the night on the floor, with my head on my laptop, hugging my other bag so neither would walk off. Blah. But I finally did make it home somewhat the worse for wear.
Life continues....and God is good.