In any case, I thought I'd write out my thoughts on what I've learned this semester about NASA, internships, and life in general.
I've learned that...
- nerds own NASA.
- if you wash your car in Virginia in the spring, it will rain and get pollen on it the next day.
- nerds never get less nerdy as they get older...they just show it in different ways.
- a 12-gallon gas tank goes empty incredibly fast.
- it's not a good idea to throw a football when you have a torn ACL.
- health insurance is a very good thing.
- it's not a good idea to do anything active at all when you have a torn ACL.
- just when life seems incredibly dark, God lights it up again.
- when God seems far away, He's not the one that's moved.
- working for the federal government is an exercise in patience.
- self-employment tax is highway robbery.
- inefficiency is the way of life in a bureaucracy.
- high school drama doesn't always stay in high school.
- telling someone you really are a rocket scientist takes a few repetitions before they will believe you.
- F-22s can be incredibly loud.
- inside connections are worth their weight in gold.
- Harmon/Kardon should stay away from making GPS receivers.
- dancing is more fun than you might think it is.
- keeping a strong walk with God can be very difficult without accountability and fellowship.
- just because you look like you have a lot of money doesn't mean you have to spend like it.
- frustration sets in quickly when you know the alarm combination but the keypad is unresponsive.
- God's plan doesn't always look like you think it will.
- when the alarm keypad is unresponsive, the alarm will soon go off, and there is nothing you can do about it.
- tangelos are the gleanings from Heaven's orchards.
- the turn-around time from the alarm going off to the call from the monitoring service is less than 60 seconds.
- if you really want to watch a basketball game, the TV will be in use already at the time of the game.
- it's not a good thing to get disconnected from the monitoring service before you can give the phone password.
- career is not as important as friends and family.
- no matter how far you run, God will never let you go.
It's been a very challenging yet fulfilling semester. I will greatly enjoy my time off and I pray that God can use it and my next experience with NASA to continue to grow me into who He wants me to be! =)